Should You Start Your Own Amazon Affiliate Site

Should You Start Your Own Amazon Affiliate Site

If you’re looking for a way to earn some extra income, then starting an Amazon Affiliate site could be a great option. In this blog post, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about setting up and running your own successful Amazon Affiliate site.

You’ll learn about the many benefits of having an Amazon Affiliate site, as well as how to get started with your own site. We’ll also share some tips on how to drive traffic to your site and maximize your earnings as an Amazon Affiliate. So if you’re ready to get started, read on!

Why you should start an Amazon Affiliate site.

The benefits of having an Amazon Affiliate site

As an Amazon Associate, you can earn commissions on products and services that you recommend to your audience. This is a great way to monetize your website or blog, and it can be especially lucrative if you have a loyal following.

There are several advantages to being an Amazon Affiliate:

-You can make money passively: Once you have set up your affiliate site and are getting some traffic, you can start earning commissions without having to do much work. This is especially convenient if you have other commitments and can’t devote a lot of time to your site.

-It’s a well-known company: Amazon is a household name, so people are generally more trusting of links from this site. This means that they are more likely to click through and make a purchase, which earns you commission.

-There are millions of products to choose from: No matter what niche your site is in, chances are that there are relevant products available on Amazon for you to promote. This gives you a lot of options when it comes to finding affiliate products that fit well with your content.

How to get started with your Amazon Affiliate site

Now that we’ve gone over some of the benefits of being an Amazon Associate, let’s look at how you can get started with your own affiliate site. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

1) Choose your niche: First, you’ll need to decide what topic or niche your site will be about. Try to choose something that you’re passionate about so that writing content will be enjoyable for you. It’s also important to choose a niche that has good potential for earning commission (i.e., people are likely to buy products recommended).

2) Do keyword research: Once you’ve chosen your niche, it’s time to start thinking about the keywords people might use when searching for products in that category. Use keyword research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or WordStream’s Free Keyword Toolto find popular keywords related to your chosen topic.

3) Set up your website: Now it’s time to create the actual website or blog where you’ll be posting content and promoting products. If you don’t already have a web hosting plan, now would be the time to sign up for one (we recommend Bluehost as an affordable option for new bloggers).

4) Write compelling content: In order for people to click through from your site to Amazon and make purchases, they need something compelling enough reason -aka strong content-. So once you’ve got your website set up, start creating helpful and engaging articles around the topics or keywords you chose in step 2.

5) Promote your site: The final step is to start promoting your new site so that people can find it. There are a number of ways to do this, but some of the most effective include SEO (search engine optimization), social media, and paid advertising.

How to drive traffic to your Amazon Affiliate site.

The importance of SEO for your Amazon Affiliate site

If you want your Amazon Affiliate site to be successful, then search engine optimization (SEO) is essential. By optimizing your site for the search engines, you will increase your chances of appearing in the top results for relevant keywords, which will in turn lead to more traffic and more sales.

There are a number of things you can do to optimize your Amazon Affiliate site for the search engines, including:

-Choose a catchy and relevant domain name

-Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions

-Create informative and keyword-rich content

-Build high-quality backlinks

How to use social media to drive traffic to your Amazon Affiliate site

Social media is another great way to drive traffic to your Amazon Affiliate site. By sharing links to your site on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can reach a wider audience and generate more clicks and conversions. Additionally, you can use social media ads to target specific demographics with laser precision.

When using social media to drive traffic to your Amazon Affiliate site, it’s important to:

-Share links regularly but don’t spam

-Post interesting and engaging content

-Target specific demographics with ads

Other traffic-driving strategies for your Amazon Affiliate site

In addition to SEO and social media, there are a number of other effective strategies you can use to drive traffic to your Amazon Affiliate site, such as:

-Content marketing: Creating informative blog posts or videos related to the products you sell on Amazon can help attract organic traffic from people who are interested in learning more about those products. You can then include affiliate links in your content so that viewers can purchase the products they’re interested in. Just be sure not to promotional or excessively pushy with your content – focus on providing value first and foremost. -Email marketing: If you have an email list, you can send out periodic newsletters or special offers featuring products from Amazon that would interest your subscribers. As with content marketing, it’s important not to be too promotional or pushy here – focus on providing value and only include affiliate links when they make sense in the context of the email. -Paid advertising: Paid advertising is another great way to drive targeted traffic directly to your Amazon Affiliate website or individual product pages. You can use platforms like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads to create ads that specifically target people who are interested in the products you sell on Amazon.

When driving traffic to your Amazon Affiliate site, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to have a smaller number of highly-targeted visitors than a large number of uninterested visitors. By using the strategies outlined above, you can ensure that the traffic you do drive to your Amazon Affiliate site is high-quality and more likely to convert into sales.

How to make money with your Amazon Affiliate site.

The different types of affiliate programs offered by Amazon

Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program that allows website owners and bloggers to create links and earn referral fees when customers click through and buy products from There are four main types of commissions you can earn as an Amazon Associate:

Referral Fees: You get a commission on every product that is sold through your unique link. The standard commission rate is 4%

Product Advertising Fees: You can also earn money by placing ads for Amazon products on your website. The rates vary depending on the product category, but are generally between 1-10%.

How to choose the right affiliate products to promote on your Amazon Affiliate site

When choosing which products to promote as an Amazon Associate, it’s important to consider things like the commission rate, the popularity of the product, and how well it fits in with the overall theme of your website. For example, if you have a blog about gardening, it wouldn’t make sense to promote electronic products as an affiliate. Likewise, if you’re promoting products with low commission rates, you’ll need to sell more units in order to make a significant income from your affiliate sales.

Here are some tips for finding high-commission and popular products to promote on your Amazon Affiliate site:

1) Use the Amazon Best Sellers list as a starting point – This list showcases the bestselling products across all categories on Amazon, so it’s a great place to find high-demand items that are likely to generate good commissions.

2) Look for items with high ratings and positive customer reviews – Customers are more likely to purchase products that have been positively reviewed by other shoppers. Positive reviews also indicate that people are satisfied with their purchase, which could lead to repeat sales or referrals from happy customers.

3) Consider promoting items in multiple formats – If a particular product is available in both digital and physical formats (such as books or software), you can earn commissions on both versions when customers purchase through your links. Promoting multiple formats also gives people the option of buying what they want, which could lead to higher conversion rates for you.

4) Pay attention to seasonal trends – Some items sell better at certain times of year than others. For example, people are more likely to buy patio furniture in the spring, so promoting this type of product before or during this season could lead to higher sales.

5) Use Amazon’s affiliate tools to your advantage – Amazon provides a number of helpful tools for affiliates, including banner ads, text links, and product widgets. Utilizing these tools can help you promote products more effectively and generate higher commissions.

Tips for maximising your earnings as an Amazon Affiliate

Here are some tips for maximizing your earnings as an Amazon Associate:

1) Promote products that are relevant to your audience – If you have a blog about gardening, promoting products that are related to gardening is more likely to result in sales than promoting unrelated products. Likewise, if you have a blog about parenting, promoting baby products is more likely to result in sales than promoting products for adults.

2) Use effective marketing techniques – In order to generate sales, you’ll need to use effective marketing techniques such as SEO, social media marketing, and email marketing. Drive traffic to your Amazon Affiliate site through these channels so people can find your links and make purchases.

3) Make sure your website is optimized for conversion – Once people arrive on your website, it’s important that they’re able to easily find your affiliate links and make a purchase. Be sure to include calls-to-action on every page of your site and make it easy for visitors to buy the products they’re interested in.

4) Keep track of your results – Be sure to track the number of visitors to your site, the number of sales you make, and the commission rate you earn on each sale. This will help you gauge which strategies are working well and which ones need improvement.

By following these tips, you can maximize your earnings as an Amazon Associate and make a significant income from your affiliate website.


If you’re looking for a way to earn some extra income, then starting an Amazon Affiliate site could be a great option for you. There are many benefits to having your own affiliate site, including the potential to earn a good income.

Getting started with your own Amazon Affiliate site is relatively easy and can be done with just a few simple steps. Once your site is up and running, you’ll need to drive traffic to it in order to start making money. SEO and social media are great ways to do this.

There are different types of affiliate programs offered by Amazon, so be sure to choose the right one for your site. And finally, remember that promoting high-quality products and providing valuable content will help you maximize your earnings as an Amazon Affiliate.